Tuesday, November 15, 2011


Verrbaddd breaking of habit.
Did I love fish? A matter of great debate. I do not know if I liked fish. I had no particular hatred towards any fish- fried, curry or otherwise. I eat, which is something anyone can understand, eyes can see. But Now, after 6 months of hostel life, I have emerged a new person, who can confidently tell the world out there that I hate fish.
I asked my mom what my usual reaction to fish was
Mom: "You eat whatever I give you, YOU UNDERSTAND?"
It was a simple decision and it sums up most of my life's decisions.I asked dahling sis how she remembered me in association with my fish eating habits.
Sis: "Can I have it if she doesn't want it? Can I have it even if she desperately wanted it?"
That was pretty much it. But now, I CANNOT eat fish. I vomit if I hear fish. I am against Fishism* now.
It all happened while I was at the hostel. PG, rather, and the house owner gave us fish, as usual. I ate all the fish, the next thing I knew, I was reversing the process. Life turned pretty nasty after that, coz I had to live on eggs. But I cannot eat omelettes as well. So that is fish and egg out of my diet.
Only chicken and mutton left.:() But I yam a pooor vegetarian!!!
TVM, one more reason why I hate you.
So long and thanks for all the fish.

Saturday, November 12, 2011

The different kinds of people.

Most people might not agree with me on the views expressed in this post. But I don't care, because most people, don't read my blog.

I was having an enlightening conversation about TV shows with my fellow hosteler, and she gave me insights into the character of people based on their preference of TV shows. I tend to agree with her. Most people won't understand these comparisons, if they are not familiar with the shows. Then again, fortunately, most people don't read my blog.

So here goes.

1. There are F.R.I.E.N.D.S. people, and then, there are Seinfeld people.

Both are sitcoms. Both talk about friends. Both have invisible audience laughing at a joke to let you know it was a joke. But still, Some people like F.R.I.E.N.D.S. and some people like Seinfeld. Well, somepeople read my blog. But most people, who don't read my blog, either don't care, or love both. Again, I cannot stress this point enough, I do NOT care about most people who don't like my blog.

2. ER and House MD.

 Seriously. This is beyond me. hello? Guy with attitude, crippled, saying stuff you don't understand, . And GEORGE CLOONEY. Seriously, There are people in the other category? Then again, I am known to be a drama queen.

Cynical guy vs. Romantic dashing hero. ROMANTIC DASHING HERO.

3. Crystal maze and Roadies.

Maybe I shouldn't compare these two. Maybe I should. Most people would say I shouldn't. But...

So- Both have Tasks, Both have crazy people competing to complete the tasks, Both involve money. But it was more fun to watch Crystal maze that Roadies, although I did love roadies, the first 4 seasons.

It is such a pain in the neck to google images and add the url. All for a blog which most people don't read. meh.

The other categories include- Tom people and Jerry people.(T&J doesn't have any competition). Then Flinstones people and Jetsons people. Full House People and The Hogan family people. (Single dad with  three boys, Single dad with three girls)  Moving on to books, we have LOTR people and HP people. Nancy Drew people and Hardy Boys people. If this post was written around 10 years ago, there would've been Doordarshan people and cable people. There are Chakh le people, and Gourmet Central people.

And then, ladies and gentlemen, There are- TWITTER people and FACEBOOK people.

It is impossible to describe those two categories, and MOST people have read it on other successful blogs about those two.
 Since I know that this post won't be a hit, and also reminding myself that most people do not read my blog, I will sign off mentioning the ultimate category of people, the one where there is no middle ground, the one which was is and will always be a hot topic of debate all around the globe- HERE it is people. the ultimate category, in pictures. Scroll down, if you already haven't taken a guess.




"All images courtesy- Google."

Am Back.

Sowie I went away. See I'll give you cheeese if ya start reading me 'ere again.


I wus 'ere all this time!!

Saturday, November 5, 2011

Dear anonymous, leave me alone.

I am a bit too weird for you to understand why I have three blogs and why I keep udpating stuff here and there as I wish. For those who have got their stuff in order cannot fathom this tendency of mine to be indecisive, right from the matters which usually needn't matter, these petty things as blogs. But here I am, blogging, typing away and subjecting you to all sorts of torture from all possible platforms. It is like I am everywhere!

This abandoned blog is now under attack. Have I mentioned the 53x word anywhere in this blog? Is there anything in this blog that even remotely suggests that the blog owner's anatomy includes additions in the southern regions, which is dissatisfied with its dimensions? I cannot use the proper words here, it might be noted in the radar, and the poor blog will be bombarded with the suggestions on increasing the dimensions something non existent. My blog is definitely lacking a Y chromosome. please.

There are 24 spam comments in my inbox. Or is it on my inbox? whatever. So. these spam can be categorised into ..24 types. Variety was maintained to retain the spice of life. The ones that really made me cry were the diet supplementary ones and the body building ones. I dare not click on the links, but I can pretty much guess what anonymous is trying to say. I get it. There are skinny people out there!! DON"T RUB IT IN! What,am a bit healthy. I have spare fat. More than that I need yeah. But do you have to rub salt in the wounds by saying " Oh here is a nice way to increase the dimensions northawards, southwards, sidewards(er), oh no wait- You're fat, never mind"

I bet if you open the link it will say at the end, "Please ignore this mail if you are fat."


And don't even get me started on the dimensional analysis of the southern regions. You are targeting the wrong section of the species. You are doing what I think the Nolan guy was thinking when he made that movie Inception. You are, yes you are.

I love my blog. This blog. My very first blog. An angel falls from heaven everytime you post a dirty comment on my blog. I sure as hell hope I never get to know who the f you are, but just in case, you better make sure your rear is insured.

But since we are on this topic, what is the best thing you've got on the department og decrements?