Friday, October 31, 2008

notes to self

  1. never wear a saree and try to jump three steps at a time, and if the urge to do so is unavoidable, try not to be wearing heels which gives the impression that you are standing on a table, and if the urge is so so strong, then DO NOT try it at your college where your enemies, and worse, your friends are watching the scenario. better not to wear a saree at all.
  2. use the word "healthy" instead of "fat".always.(i knew this already from a blogger who posted it on his orkut profile, but, ariyatha pilla choriyumbole ariyu".)
  3. chemistry lab is not a nice place to hang out.
  4. college canteen can be injurious to health.
  5. "this will only take a minute" will always and always take more than an hour.
  6. when someone says "do not message me" and blocks you over orkut and ignores your 2987th message, fat chance it means "i love ya!"
  7. issac newton was evil. and so is gravity.
  8. ceasing to blog is not categorised as public service.
  9. "this is going to hurt just a little bit" means it is going to hurt a lot more than that.
  10. blogging while you have an exam tomorrow is not gonna make figures look good on your progress card.
  11. Finally, the ultimate truth, the one thing i knew deep down inside my heart but choose to ignore, something that is a solution to all my problems and is staring right at me, is a fictional concept.

do not wonder.don't even ask. i learn things the hard way.

Saturday, September 20, 2008

she was sixteen,going on seventeen...

i turned twenty.

aah! i can purrfectly understand that horrible gasp!! those raised eyebrows!!! that popping of eyes!!(oh,thats the way they normally are? ahem..) my mistake people,i shouldn't have opened the post in such a bland way.i should have prepared you for the truth, i should have broken the news mildly. but the world, my dear fellows,is unfair,unjust. its a hard world....

so, i turned,thats two-oh.not too old ,as some people were kind enough to point out. the horrible thing about being twenty is...oh, make that into plural, the horrible things about turning twenty on.

so,are you twenty yet?? if you are then you will know the feeling. the whole thing about not being a teenager is a sad affair..till 11:59:59,on the day before my b'day,i was clutching on to the nineteen..(teen,mind you) status and then,time cruelly snatched away teen from me. yea, that ear piercing nahiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii .......was most probably mine, stop wondering.

men realise they have turned twenty when they get somewhere around fifty,they i don't think they are now nodding their heads in agreement with my woes.but hey, if you do nod, no problem. it is good exercise too......
the fact that i was not a teenager anymore wasn't that scary. it's are a grown up. you get to do a lot of stuff you were too young to do at the time when you wanted to do cooking, taking care of the house, taking decisions for youselves,getting involved in serious family matters,sharing responsibilities... you get me.

the scariest part is i don't feel like i am twenty. i feel just the same, refusing to will say,"what is the big deal?? you turn twenty,then tweny two, twenty four,...,thirty, forty...fifty..ah then you are back to being a kid's fun!!!" you are not not helping.

but i haven't a time machine,nor lily potter's ability to stir up potions which will keep me 19 always..but it was fun,being a was was fun to read everything with a teen tag to it(without the accompanying sigh nowadays).being old enough, that was teenage. the other day, i was visiting this friend's profile and saw that she was into the orkut teenage girls and guys community, and i was about to join, then..........sigh!!!

i was chatting with another little friend of mine,she is fifteen,(darn!) and during the course of the conversation i happened to say".....i am twenty, who was he kidding??" don't mind the context.the thing is..she laughed, until tears rolled down from her cheeks, and she ROTFL, patted me on the back and said " good one!! oh, you are funny......"

she thought it a joke me turning twenty. she will be mentioned in my will.

i hope as i grow on, being thirty and fifty and so on, i don't forget how it felt to be thirteen and nineteen and in between...right now, i might as well as drop the "why me" and get on with the life of not being a teen....

aw..but do i still have to cook??????

Friday, July 18, 2008

its raining cats and dogs.....

ah! wasted almost 15 minutes trying to remember my password!!! i was for a moment thinking, did someone hack my account?? unfortunately, no one bothered to do so. good.

so!! its monsoon, and its raining here now, as i am typing must probably be raining there, if you are reading this(:p) hehe.....but, the title fooled you. this entry is not about rain....its about cats and dogs...

what about cats and dogs??

well, the train of thought started of like a conversation...which is listed below.
characters: me(obviously), and a very good friend of mine....(again,obviously)

i just referred to my best friend as a very good friend of mine. shes gonna kill me. in my defense, i was just embarrassing!

here goes..

me: 'lo! wassup dudette? (actual words: hey sree! entha pani??)

(no, she is not calling me any swear words, wch is being indicated by a, actually, she has a unique way of talking, and i find it difficult to imitate that and write it over here. anyways what she says is irrelevant and immaterial....and if u r tooooo curious, i will tell you that she was talking about cricket. she always is, if theres a match on. she will be talking abt the technical parts, me will be talking about the less technical for example, she will be talkin about how pathan bowled, i will be talking about how cute pathan looked while he bowled!)

so..more cricket news followed, then some local gossips, and stuff...smooth... smooth.... smooth....TADA...and i hear this..

someone:" grrr..screech!!@#$# meeeeow!!! meeeow!!screech screech@#$%@#!@#$#...tapad(poda poda) meeeeow......."

now, i am not and has never been an expert in understanding animal conversation. if it meows,its a cat.if it barks its a dog. thats all. i aint any pied piper.

but, two things are pretty clear from the above dialogue.
1.the speaker is a cat.
2. he doesn't like me.

my friend is the greatest cat lover of the century, and so she has a huge collection of cats ,in all sizes,shapes and colors, to my dismay. i am never too good with animals(and humans), so obviously, i was soo much irritated when her most favourite pet interrupted our highly confidential talk. males of all species should know better than to butt in while the females of any species talks..

the cat was obviously curious to know what was making his slave neglect him like that. wasn't the art of curiousity proved to be fatal to the feline species????

anyways, the conversation was cut by usual standards, and i was left alone with my train of thoughts...this wasn't the first time this cat,(btw sree, he is a very sweet,cute and highly intelligent cat.please continue to be friends with me...) this cat, or some other cuts our talks...this was getting out of hand. i should do something. and i did. i blogged about the cat. simple. the cat has formidable teeth and claws, but he cannot read. simple and safe.

hmm...that sums up why i am not a cat lover. now why aren't i a dog lover?

it doesn't have anything to do with a stupid stupid idiotic dog chasing me around my house, my very own house, two rounds, until i was finally rescued by my brother.

i was, simply, if i must quote a famous author's words chumma,verum chumma walking around, poking my nose in what was apparantly none of my business, when this dog saw me. i don't know what gave him the idea that i was jobless and genuinely interested in him. he took it for granted tht i was ever too willing to be chased by him around the house. infact, he almost thought that was what i was living for..hmm...

my bitter experiences with animals, mostly cats and dogs continues...theres another dog in the scene who keeps barking while i am on call with another friend of mine. i heard recently that the dog died. may the souls around rest in peace...

thats all for now. i hope u got the idea that i keep a safe distance from all animals. you know what? i should keep a safer distance from social animals too.....


p.s. for any of the peta people reading this, no animal was harmed in the process of writing this blog. it is way too obvious that i was ill treated by the dogs and cats.anyone who know me personally would vouch for me that "i will never hurt a fly".. but then again, its not because i don't want to, but experience taught me that its not that easy to hurt a fly.