Tuesday, February 17, 2009

gotta get this outta ma system!!!!!!!

can't breathe.......mouth turns dry..nothing comes into focus..everything is in a blur.


um..no,tha doesn't seem to be the problem.

i wanna blog i wanna blog i wanna blog!! my exams are near i wanna comment on it. i am finally outta col and i wanna write about it!! i wanna see delhi-6 but i can't, still i wanna blog about it. my teeth hurts,dunno y, but i wanna blog about it. OMR sheets are boring, i wanna blog about it. i wanna join tweeter, but i wanna know who will bother to follow. i wanna pull my hair, pick my nose, do a dance, sing at the top of my lungs. and damn damn damn damn dese exams suffocating me. I DON'T CARE IF..no wait. i do care about the stuff i study. it is fairly, distanly interesting.

*WAIL* but i wanna blog and have my freedom back!

man study hols have to be this long???????? :(:(:(:(:(:(belch.

will be back soon in my form peeps, dontya worry. until then,i should go on a break.
uh oh..someone's coming-"a quantum dot is a seminconductor whose excitons are confined in all the three dimensions"..." am studying maaa....

psst. i now know what a quantum dot is. hope that comes up for the exam. hope hope hope................

yeah yeah,am outta here...
